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Tooth Dislocation or Sudden Loss in Dogs

Tooth Dislocation or Sudden Loss in Dogs

If you have noticed your dog has a missing or lost tooth, you may not know why or what to do next. Our Palmyra vets will explain the different types of tooth loss/dislocation in dogs and what can be done to help.

Tooth Dislocation or Tooth Loss:

Dislocation, luxation, or sudden loss of teeth in dogs is usually caused by trauma to the mouth area. The loss of a tooth is easy to spot in your dog but a tooth that is loosened may not be as simple to see right away. Tooth loss or dislocation can be very painful for your dog and can affect them in many different ways, so it is important to know the signs and to know when to bring them into our Palmyra vets right away.


There is more than one type of tooth loss or tooth dislocation in dogs including:

  • Avulsion- Complete displacement of the tooth from the tooth socket.
  • Concussion- Damage to the structures supporting the tooth without displacement or increased movement of the tooth. A concussed tooth will be tender to touching or tapping and may exhibit bleeding from the gums.
  • Extrusive luxation- The tooth is still attached but exhibits partial displacement out of the socket.
  • Intrusive luxation- The tooth is attached but has been pushed deeper into the socket lateral luxation- The tooth is attached but an eccentric displacement of the tooth is present.
  • Subluxation- Damage to the structures supporting the tooth that causes abnormal loosening, but no displacement.


There are many signs and symptoms you as a pet owner can look out including:

  • Swollen gums
  • Missing tooth
  • Visible displacement of the tooth
  • Discoloration of tooth
  • Pain or tenderness in the mouth
  • Movement of an (adult) tooth in the socket
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Excessive or abnormal drooling

Causes & Treatment:

When it comes to sudden tooth loss or tooth dislocation, almost always the cause is trauma or injury, such as roadside accidents, falls, or fights. Dogs with chronic tooth infections are at higher risk.

Treatment for this depends on the severity of your dog's case. Surgery can usually be conducted to fix the tooth back to its normal position using various materials, including fine wires.

Anesthesia will be required for conducting the surgery to prevent pain related to this procedure as well as a movement by the dog.

For this reason, your dog's health and any other underlying conditions will be taken into consideration, since some animals are at an increased risk for anesthesia complications and the risk may not be worth saving the tooth.

If you have found yourself in a situation where your dog has had its tooth forced from its mouth, by trauma or other causes, you can place the avulsed tooth in a normal saline solution to protect it from damage and take it to your veterinarian along with your dog.

If you are worried about your dog's oral health, please contact our Palmyra Animal Clinic vets today for a consultation.

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